Day 3 - Buxton Town:
We awoke on Sunday morning to the rain lashing down.......just what we wanted for a 3 mile walk into Buxton!!!! After a long, leisurely breakfast it was STILL raining but we decided to tog up in our waterproofs and go for it! Once we had walked up and out of the Country Park and then down into Grin Low Woods we were pretty wet, but still determined not to let it beat us!!! We walked down out of the woods into the car park at Pooles Cavern (a cave system). We couldn't go into the caves because they don't allow dogs in so headed for Buxton town via the residential roads instead. By the time we'd reached the outskirts of the town, and the Pavilion Gardens, the rain had stopped and the sun came out - and continued to do so in between a few hefty showers!!!
Buxton is known as the 'Bath of the North' and we could see why. It has very similar buildings/architecture to the lovely city of Bath, including it's own small crescent and town baths! The Opera House was a beautiful building too.
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